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    Student office

    Student office

    Director and Secretary of branch Youth League Committee: Qi Hong

    Manages students’ work, work of office and Youth League Committee, guides the student union work for college Youth League Committee.

    Major work division: undergraduate counselor of class 2018, second party branch secretary of students, team building, study style building, ideological guidance (league building).


    Organizer: Wang Jin

    Main work division: assist the college party committee to complete the basic party building work.


    Counselor: Yang Wenbo

    Undergraduate counselor of grade 2016, graduate counselor, graduate party branch secretary

    Main work division : ideological education, campus culture, social practice and volunteer service, innovation and entrepreneurship, yi class construction.


    Counselor: Yuan Tingting

    In charge of the students work for class of 2015, 2017guides the ministry practice of student union for College Youth League Committee and carrying out the work of life department.

    Main division of work: daily management, financial support, work of armed forces department


    Part-time Counselor:

    Division of labor: assist full-time counselors in daily management and financial accounting work.